Saturday, 31 October 2009

Muse Drinking Game

I was re-watching HAARP the other day and trying to work out a Muse Drinking Game. Don't know if it's got legs though, this is as far as I've got:

  • Drink every time you see a teenage girl with heavy eye make-up and a look of desperate yearning. (Bonus drink if the cameraman then zooms in on her chest).
  • Drink every time you see a group of fans containing one guy with glasses who looks a bit bewildered and another guy going completely crazy regardless of what everyone else around him is doing.
  • Drink every time Matt Bellamy plays the guitar whilst standing on one leg.
  • Drink every time Chris Wolstenholme starts headbanging.
  • Drink every time Matt Bellamy plays the guitar whilst holding it above his head.
  • Drink every time Dom Howard grins crazily.
  • Drink every time one of the other two musicians on stage looks faintly surprised to see a camera pointing at him.
  • Drink every time Matt Bellamy points one finger at the sky whilst adopting a faintly messianic expression (NB for this one, only take sips, unless you don’t have plans for the following morning and / or a liver donor lined up).

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